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All organizations periodically need help with challenging situations

Some companies have great ideas yet struggle to develop effective plans to realize them. Other businesses face challenging headwinds and require an objective perspective to navigate a successful outcome. Gaps in talent, a challenging culture and a shortage of bandwidth may be among a myriad of challenges that are preventing an organization from achieving its potential.

At TALLSPAR, we focus on three areas of expertise to assist you
in unlocking your potential and realizing your goals


Strengthen your strategic capabilities


Capture sustainable performance


Harness the power of your people

Meet Mark Anderson

TALLSPAR is led by successful industry leader, Mark Anderson. Mark is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA-CMA) and has a Bachelor of Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, specializing in information systems. He has participated in extensive executive development at INSEAD in Fountainebleu, France and at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. 

Over 30 years of hands-on experience

Solving challenges in Strategy, Performance and Talent

We have
your value in mind

TALLSPAR is experienced, nimble and low-cost relative to larger consulting firms. Book a time for a free consultation and see if our services meet your needs.

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